Posted in community, day-to-day, entertainment, events, fireworks, Halloween, Manic Elf, personal, Toot Toots

I got a DJ gig tomorrow night…

And I have NO FREAKIN IDEA what I’m gonna play. I think my plan will be to just hit Shuffle and see where it goes. It’s an eclectic venue. I could pull this off.

Also, I’m building my own fireworks effects and getting ready for a super cool fireworks show next week for the Good People at Faery Crossing. They’re celebrating Samhain which is Kind of a Big Deal for pagan-type and faery-type folks and I’m always trying to stretch my creative muscles to come up with new effects for my shows.

A good friend of mine is talking about stepping out of SL altogether and while– for purely selfish reasons– I wish he’d stick around, I want my friend to be happy and in good mental health. So we’ll see how that goes. If he does decide to close his community I know a GREAT demolitions person.

Image is from some anime doll maker and I don’t remember which one.

‘Kay bye.

Posted in events, fireworks, Manic Elf, Toot Toots


Pass it on! I’ll be giving my first fireworks show in four years this Sunday (April 29th) at 7:30 PM SLT at Toot Toots Carolina Pub in the sim of Sifton (SLurl to be added soon)!

The theme is “Spring Spectacular” and will feature uplifting classical music to accompany the beautiful explosions from Bach, Beethoven, Strauss, and more! Watch the sky fill with beauty as the music makes your heart soar with the end of winter and the coming of Spring.

Tell your friends, and join the Manic Elf Media group for more announcements of upcoming fireworks performances. See you Sunday night!

Posted in machinima, music, nightclub, nightlife, party, Toot Toots, video

Last night’s get-together at Toot Toots

So I mentioned having to cancel the party I planned last night. Instead I popped into Toot Toot’s Carolina Pub in the sim of Sifton, to pay a visit to my friend Symmetry and the rest of the good crowd that can often be found there. I had my cake dress on and announced that this would now be my birthday party.

I whipped out the camera and nabbed some video. Here it is.

P.S.: Just an added bit of trivia, this just happens to be my 666th blog post.