Posted in day-to-day, Love 146 in Second Life, photos

A Tour of the Love 146 in Second Life Clubhouse

Click to visit inworld

We had such a successful year raising funds for Love 146 last year that I decided we’d have even more success if we had a home base of operations for our inworld group. And thanks to Thaddeus Nadeau of Hidden Hollow, we now have that space.

The Love 146 in Second Life Clubhouse is a small cottage near a stream. Outside you’ll find a bridge, tire swing, and a nearby campfire with logs to sit on. It’s a cozy, comfortable place to visit, much like the rest of the village of Hidden Hollow. Read on to see pictures and a tour featuring Love146 Serendipity, holder of the funds and keeper of the clubhouse.

'Lovey', as she's often called, on the tire swing outside the Clubhouse.

Continue reading “A Tour of the Love 146 in Second Life Clubhouse”

Posted in business in SL, Clover's Kitchen, Love 146 in Second Life, money

Ho Ho Ho

Yesterday, I cashed in the over 50,000 lindens donated to Love146 and as soon as the transaction goes through to PayPal, I’ll be sending them a nice little Christmas present courtesy of many generous folks in Second Life. By raising awareness of them in Second Life, they’ll have gotten close to $500US by way of generous donations from avatars this year.

As for my own Christmas stocking, today I cashed in 20,000 lindens from my own savings. My rents are all paid up for at least a month. I’ve got a small cushion in case I don’t see a dime in the coming month (which is unlikely; Clover’s Kitchen’s slowest month in ’10 netted 3k. That’s net, so after rents are paid.) Plus I have weekly DJ gigs for some additional spending change.

So all in all, a decent year financially in SL. Not super awesome; but I took out more than I put in and that’s always good.

Posted in day-to-day, events, love, Love 146 in Second Life, personal, RL

Help Me Tread on Trafficking!

I’ve mentioned Love 146 before. They’re an organization that fights child trafficking, and provides aftercare to survivors of trafficking. They’re doing a fundraiser called Tread On Trafficking over the next few months, and if you can, I’d love some help at raising my goal of $500 for this noble and critically important cause.

This is my Team Page. As you can see, I’m still looking for 4 more volunteers to join my team and help out.

In Second Life, the avatar Love146 Serendipity was created by me to collect lindens for Love 146. She’ll take your donation any time. Also if you’d like her to put up a Love 146 poster/collection jar at your place, send her an IM letting her know, and a Landmark of the site.

Thank you for helping me stamp out slavery!

Posted in child avatars, events, Love 146 in Second Life, nightlife, party, raving

All Ages Benefit Dance Today, 4PM SLT

I want to pass this message along, as it is in support of Love 146, a cause which I hold very dear.

Join us for an all-ages dance party in the Seven Isles, to benefit Love 146. DJ Hopalong Easterling will play oldies and silly songs for 2 hours, so come and kick up your heels (or fins, or hooves…)!

Donations from this event will benefit Love 146, an organization that combats child slavery and exploitation, and provides aftercare for young people who have been rescued from trafficking. Did you know that in the U.S. alone, as many as 100,000 children are bought or sold per year? You can learn more about Love 146 at .

April 16th is celebrated in Washington DC as Emancipation Day, so guests are encouraged (though not required) to incorporate cherry blossoms, red or pink, or the number 146 in their outfits. Though this is a fantasy RP sim, medieval/fantasy garb is not required for this OOC event.

So bring your friends, your kids, your date, or just yourself to make new friends to the Clubhouse at the Seven Isles! Together, we can make a difference in helping to make slavery history.

This is the place! See you at 4PM SLT!